SERVICESAI Data Processing Service

Importance of Software Development and Maintenance

Image / Video Annotation plays a vital role to feed accurate data into algorithms for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. The annotation of images enables machine learning algorithms to perceive objects in their surroundings and learn to see the world as we do.

How do we do it?

Image and Video Annotations are also termed as data modeling. We adopt different types of data modeling techniques depending upon the project requirements that are determined by data scientists. We do classification, classification & localization, objection detection, and instance segmentation.
Bounding Box

This is the most common method used in most industries especially retail, e-commerce, and healthcare by data scientists for data modeling. In this model 2d boxes are drawn close to the key objects in the image for classification, detection, and localization. Rectangular boxes are drawn with x and y-axis on the target object.

Polygonal Segmentation

 Polygonal shapes are used to detect objects and location as most objects cannot fit into the rectangular box, by using complex and different polygon shapes better precession is achieved for data modeling of objects in different shapes and sizes.

Key point and Landmark

This type of data modeling is used mostly on human body parts to recognize facial expressions, gestures, emotions by creating dots across the images and videos to detect even small variations between objects.

Semantic Segmentation

 A particular logic or pattern is used to classify objects within the image or video like in the below example pedestrians, trees, cameras, chairs, each object is segmented semantically for the machine learning algorithm to learn and is mostly used where an outdoor environment comes in for image/video annotations. Example: Self-drive cars to detect the objects in semantic patterns on the roads (outdoor environment).

3D Cuboid segmentation

These are similar to the bounding box model, but it captures additional information like mass, volume, and distance of objects, this is predominantly used for machine learning algorithms used in self-driving cars.

Lines and Splines

These annotations are used on roads with lanes for the self-driving cars to detect different lanes while driving on highways. It is simple as it eliminates unwanted noise and white space.

Our Expertise:

mCloud Technologies does image and video annotation for various industries like
Retail Annotation, Agriculture Annotation, Traffic sign, and lights Annotation, Healthcare Annotation, Accessories Annotation, Street Name Identification, and Real-time Annotation.

Our workforce is trained to use all the major image and video annotation tools in the market for Keyframe annotation, Native Video Format, Consistent IDs, Tracking and ML integration, Distributed Annotation, Segmenting long videos, Multiple Annotators, Customized attributes
Some of the tools that we use for data modeling are Vatic, VOTT, VitBAT, Scalable, and Beaverdam.